Saturday, June 20, 2009

We Have Moved!

Please visit us at our new blog address:

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome to 2008!

I've thought long and hard this year about New Year's resolutions and I have decided not to make any big ones. Instead of setting myself up for failure by resolving to take on some larger than life goal, I am going to make 30 day goals. I figure if I can do something for 30 days there is a possibility I could do it for the rest of the year too.

One of my 30 day goals is to be more eco friendly for the month. I'm not going to solve global warming in January, but I am going to make one environmentally friendly decision everyday. Maybe I'll walk to the post office instead of driving, or I'll dry my jeans on the line rather than in the dryer, or I might try saving all of those juice boxes I toss each week and taking them back to the recycling centre. The point here is to stop and think about the choices I have rather than living my life in autopilot. This month I am going to do something for the planet, even if it isn't something big. I'll check in at the end of the month and let you know how it went.

Since we are a fashion and accessories blog I can't help but share some information about a super cute line of organic baby wear I came across. My Monkey Moo has the most adorable collection of baby onesies made from 100% organic cotton. And the best part is, this is a local company and all of the products are designed by the owner Kirsti who is also a full time Mom. Check out her website to see the complete product line.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Canada's Yummiest Mummy

Hey Ladies,

I just got an email about this awesome contest:

THE SEARCH FOR CANADA'S YUMMIEST MUMMY IS ON! You could be crowned the yummiest mummy and win our grand prize of 25,000 Airmiles – that’s a Trip of a Lifetime plus a ton of online shopping at airmiles.caTo win, you have to create videos starring you. Once you upload your video, get everyone to vote for you. This is a popularity contest. So make your videos funny, naughty, entertaining - whatever it takes to get those votes!We're NOT looking for the next Steven Spielberg or Martha Stewart. Just a simple video shot on a digital camera or cell phone filled with personality and yumminess!Plus, when someone votes for you, they’re automatically entered to win great prizes as well.So register now at

Make sure you check it out!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Super Cool Idea

I have seen a lot of maternity belly casts but I haven't seen any that are this spectacular. To check more great ideas for painting your belly cast visit this link:

Friday, September 14, 2007

Maternity Shopping Tips

Here are some tips to make shopping for maternity clothes enjoyable and effortless:

1. Make sure you buy a pair of good maternity jeans. You are going to be wearing these pants so often that you need to buy a new pair that looks good on you.

2. Take the time to look for clothes that are comfortable and stylish. Don't believe for a minute that you have to sacrifice one for the other. Maternity clothes have come a long way in the last few years.

3. Don't buy maternity clothes until your current wardrobe becomes too tight. If you buy to early you may find that your maternity clothes don't fit correctly later on.

4. Make sure that your shirts have growing room for your belly and boobs!

5. Buy yourself a few good basics, jeans, black trousers, a button down shirt, etc., and then fill in your wardrobe with hand me downs from girlfriends. Don't settle for a maternity wardrobe full of second hand finds, invest in some good pieces for your self especially if this is your first pregnancy.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Introducing Zara!

I know that some of you have probably been wondering what happened to me over the last few weeks....well, I had a baby girl! Due to a drawn out and slightly trying labour I was out of comission for almost 3 weeks, but I am back and will be posting fashion advice once again! In the meantime enjoy the pic of my little peanut.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Slenderizing Tips.....

So I am fast approaching my due date...5weeks to go! I don't know about the rest of you moms to be, but I've been feeling a little frumpy lately. I started thinking about all of the tricks I use to look slimmer and I thought you might want to hear about them too, so hear we go:

  • Flip Up Your Shirt Collar! Popping up your shirt collar lengthens your neck and casts a flattering shadow along your jawline.

  • Put a crease in your pants! A clean, sharp crease straight down the front of each leg of your pants is an instant body sculptor.

  • Wear a V-neck! The "V" draws attention to your cleavage (which lets face it has never looked better!) It also draws the eye to the centre of your torso, and away from the width of your body.

  • Choose nude hose and shoes! When you wear a skirt, try flesh toned shoes and hosiery. They blend in with your skin colour to extend your leg line - making your gams look slimmer!

If you have any of your own slenderizing tips please share!